How do I know have a sore head normal or Migraine? What is the difference? How to fix it?

How do I know have a lot of normal migraine or head? What is the difference? How to cure?

I still have problem to know whether I have a Migraine or just an ordinary headache. Of course I still have All kinds of Headache that can last for about 2-5 days. Ordinary drug such as acetaminophen (500 mg x 2) is not really effective for me.

It makes me a different drug as strong Ponstan (500mg) to reduce my headache. However, the analgesic could not last long, sometimes it works and sometimes not.

I just think sometimes my headache worse somehow not effective Ponstan and force me me another drug as sonap (275mg) to take the commonly used for migraine. It will mean having a headache or we have some degree of headache Best Answer:

answer dr death
aggravate migraines, you should consult a specialist

know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

8 thoughts on “How do I know have a sore head normal or Migraine? What is the difference? How to fix it?”

  1. Migraine headaches are worse than normal headaches in general and other symptoms are a sore head. Usually, sensitivity to light and sound, a good indicator that you have a headache, sometimes nausea is trop.Si you are concerned that your headaches last a few days, talk to your doctor. You may be stronger than what certain over-the-counter pain relievers need to be taken.

  2. Headaches caused by your husband want sex more than twice a week. Migraine is a real medical problem

  3. What you describe is a migraine. I used to get, and they are horribles.Un headache is usually quite mild, although the pain of those who can really hurt too. A migraine is a severe headache, usually in a particular area that wants to go away. It can also be blurred vision, sensitivity to light, dizziness, etc.

  4. Migraines are much more painful and the agent is directly to the forehead head turn directly to the forehead head turn directly to the forehead head turn directly to the forehead head turn directly to the forehead head turn directly to the forehead as a glue stick, but it really works

  5. Migraine in many shapes and forms! I get the “get” and visual nausea when I get migraines, and no headaches. My sister gets a terrible headache, and nothing else. Migraine drugs affect the blood vessels in the dialating. Medicine head (such as Advil or Tylenol) to work with the pain. See a neurologist to determine about your headaches, what type they are and how to treat it! Good Luck

  6. You’ll be able to tell if you have a migraine, it’s like a puzzle will ever see. Migraines are completely paralyzed. Unlike a headache to beat them, they are a constant breaking pain in your head. Nausea and sensitivity to light are two of the most common symptoms. Some of the more common types, we give you a warning of oncoming migraine, it will be an aura seems to melt light and your eyes will be sensitive, it seems, with small halos light that collect around the peripheral of your vision, and it is possible that you start to feel bad for me, I get thirsty. The other form just hits you all at once. If your throbbing head at all, its probly not a migraine, its probly headaches. If you feel nauseous and light hurts the eyes, its probly a migraine.

  7. Migraines are very painful … and if you are a more sensitive to light and sound (mostly) … I get dizzy, nausea and slight fièvre.Vous should go to a dr to make sure that n is not a tumor or something else … there is no test for migraine, but they could test to see whether there is not something else.

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